Our recycling services

Please find our services below. Should you not find what you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us - we will be happy to help.


We dispose of, recycle and process various different assorted thermoplastic polymers, e.g. 

PMMA (cast with or w/o PVC, extruded, mixed), PC, PET, PP, PE, PS, PA, ABS

shapes / sizes

We accept sheets and blocks of any size and thickness, sheet fragments, lumps up to 700 mm, edge trimmings, films/ foils, saw dust, granules, flakes, moulded parts, bins - it does not matter in which form or shape your scraps are - we are able to process them! [link to gallery]

collection and transport units

We provide collection and transport units on demand. Loading will be done in pallets, in big bags or in bulk, depending on  volumes, size, shape and thickness of your materials.



You call and we  pick up your goods on request! 

Full truck loads and container loads will be picked up free of charge.  You load the truck, we care for the rest. 

Your goods will ship directly to the recycling plant. This saves cost, transport energy and CO2


transparent pricing is key for a trustful cooperation. This is why we make reasonable and fair prices. 

Contact us, we will be happy to provide a quotation! 


You wish to dispose of your scraps? 

We will be happy to provida you with an offer. 

Call us by phone, send us an e-mail or use our contact form. Describe your products as good a s possible and send photos along!


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