Thermoplastic materials & their processing

Many plastics are used in single-use applications with a very short lifespan, such as food packaging, bottles or disposable articles . Such items are usually manufactured by blow molding, extrusion or injection molding processes. Appropriate meltable granules are used as raw materials for this purpose. The "waste" generated during production, such as edge trimmings, product that does not meet specifications, etc., represents a valuable resource and can be returned to the production cycle by regranulation. This type of post-industrial recycling is standard for thermoplastics because it does not only conserve resources but is also indispensable for cost reasons.


In the case of post-consumer waste, the processing of the resulting material flows is far more complex.

Quantities of recyclable materials often accumulate as mixed waste, sometimes as laminates of different plastics, plastic-paper mixtures, printed, surface-treated or soiled. Collection, sorting and cleaning still poses a problem for the economics of the recycling process.

It therefore does not come as a surprise that over 40% of the more than 29 million tonnes of plastic waste generated in the EU in 2018  went to energy production (incineration).


We strongly believe that all efforts need to be taken to increase the amount of  recycling of plastics instead of incineration.  

We collect and process sorted post-industrial as well as post-consumer plastics.

The form of the recycling material is not relevant. We process panels, off-cuts, lumps, molded plastic parts, injection molded parts, pipes, plastic bins, production waste, sawdust, in short everything that arises.

We aim to recycle and further process all recycled materials into equivalent products without "downgrading" them to inferior applications.

shredding of large pieces

Shredding of large  lumps and of aquarium viewing panels of up to 700 mm thickness

conveying of flakes

conveying of  crushed recyclable to the next processing step, (cleaning)

production of granulates

melting and regranulation of cleaned re-ground material

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